December 01, 2014
1 min read

World AIDS Day 2014 highlights goal of AIDS-free generation

Today marks World AIDS Day, which is meant to bring awareness to the current status of HIV/AIDS worldwide. The theme this year is “Focus, Partner, Achieve: An AIDS-Free Generation.”

An estimated 35 million people are living with HIV today. AIDS-related deaths have declined by 35% since 2005; however, an estimated 1.5 million people died of AIDS in 2013.

WHO will release new guidelines on providing antiretroviral therapy as post-exposure prophylaxis for people who have been exposed to HIV, including health care workers, sex workers and rape survivors. It also will release guidelines on the use of co-trimoxazole to prevent HIV-related infections.

Global efforts, including the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, have enabled approximately 11.7 million people in low- and middle-income countries to receive ART in 2013. This is almost 2 million more people than in 2012.

Since the first cases of AIDS were reported in 1981, almost 648,500 people diagnosed with AIDS in the United States have died. Approximately 50,000 people become infected with HIV yearly, and there are an estimated 1.2 million people with HIV in the US.