Experts debate PANDAS diagnosis in children
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Margaret K. Hostetter, MD, the B. K. Rachford professor and chair of the department of pediatrics, University of Cincinnati, provides an overview of a debate over the diagnosis of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections, or PANDAS, which took place at ICAAC 2014.
PANDAS have been controversial among pediatricians, and two experts — Michael E. Pichichero, MD, of Rochester General Hospital, New York, and Stanford T. Shulman, MD, of Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago — debated the evidence for the occurrence of the syndrome and its association with streptococcal infections. Pichichero and Shulman are both Infectious Diseases in Children Editorial Board members.
Disclosure: Hostetter reports no relevant financial disclosures.