ACIP Tdap recommendations now include adults aged 65 and older
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice has updated its recommendations for the tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis vaccine to include vaccinating adults aged at least 65 years.
The Pertussis Vaccines Work Group of the ACIP reviewed data on the epidemiology of pertussis among adults aged 65 years and older and also reviewed cost-effectiveness models to determine the effect of vaccination in this population. They concluded that the burden of pertussis among this age group is potentially 100 times greater than reported, and there were modest cost-savings associated with giving the vaccine to those in this age group.
The work group also said the safety profile of the Tdap vaccine is comparable to that of the Td vaccine among those in this age group, and although both Boostrix (GlaxoSmithKline) and Adacel (Sanofi-Pasteur) are immunogenic and would provide protection, Boostrix should be used whenever feasible.
Remaining unchanged are ACIPs recommendations that adults aged at least 19 years who have not yet received a dose of Tdap should receive a single dose and continue to receive routine Td booster immunizations. Also, in the case of tetanus prophylaxis in wound management, Tdap is preferred for adults aged 19 years and older who have not received Tdap previously.
CDC. MMWR. 2012;61:468-470.