What are common diseases in children
Chickenpox, a varicella virus, is one of the most common childhood diseases. Apart from the signature rash in which 200 to 500 fluid-filled blisters appear on the body, symptoms include fever, headache and stomachache. There is no cure for chickenpox, but symptoms may be relieved by antihistamines or antiviral drugs.
Mumps is a common childhood disease that infiltrates the parotid glands, which are on either side of the face. The glands become swollen and painful during mumps infection. No treatment is necessary because mumps generally resolves on its own, but complications may occur in rare cases.
Measles is a contagious disease with cough, fever, bloodshot eyes and a rash that lasts 4 to 7 days. There is also no treatment for measles. Acetaminophen, bed rest and humidified air may be used to manage symptoms.
Allergies and associated atopic dermatitis occur frequently in children, as do ear infections and various forms of diarrhea caused by cryptosporidiosis, Escherichia coli, hemolytic uremic syndrome or rotavirus. Iron deficiency may cause anemia in children.
Communicable diseases, ranging from head lice to influenza, are often passed from child to child in the close confines of school and play. Impetigo, pink eye and ringworm are also often transmitted this way.
Norovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, pertussis (whooping cough), scabies and shigellosis are diseases that do not occur with great frequency in the developed world but are prevalent in the developing world, where children have less access to quality health care.
More serious childhood diseases include leukemia, cystic fibrosis, epilepsy and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Additional information about common diseases in children may be found at these websites: