Paramedian may be the safest location for volumizing material
The subcutaneous plane in the paramedian location of both the upper and lower lips may be the safest location for the application of volumizing material, according to recent findings.
The analysis included 193 anatomic head specimens of white individuals. Clinicians performed six 3-cm vertical incisions in each lip at midline and 1 cm medial to the angles of the mouth, according to the results. They evaluated the positions of the superior and inferior labial arteries as they relate to the orbicularis oris muscle.Results showed three separate positions of the two labial arteries. The position was submucosal in 78.1% of the cohort, intra-muscular in 17.5% and subcutaneous in 2.1%.
In the total upper lip, there was a 29% variability in changing the position along the labial course. This variability was 32% for the lower lip. The most variable location in both the upper and lower lips was the midline, according to the findings.
Disclosures: The researchers report no relevant financial disclosures.