August 19, 2016
2 min read

Five recent developments in dermal fillers and injectables

Study results finding that Kybella demonstrated efficacy in treating submental fat, and may be an alternative to surgical treatment, was among the recent developments reported on

Other developments included findings that patients with mild glabellar lines at rest achieved elimination of the resting lines following repeated Botox treatment:

Allergan receives positive European opinion for Belkyra in treating submental fullness

Allergan plc announced earlier this month that it has received a positive opinion from the Swedish Medical Products Agency for Belkyra in treating submental fullness in adults.

Belkyra (deoxycholic acid) is marketed as Kybella in the United States. Is being evaluated through the decentralized procedure, with the Swedish Medical Products Agency acting as the reference member state for the other countries in the European Union, and Iceland and Norway, according to a press release. Read more

Twofold injection volume using Dysport effective in treating glabellar lines

A twofold injection volume of Dysport, compared with the labeled injection volume, to deliver the same unit dose was effective and safe in treating glabellar lines in women, according to recently published study results.

Researchers studied 62 women, aged 30 to 63 years, who received one of two different injection volumes to deliver the same unit dose of of Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA, Galderma), marketed as Azzalure (Ipsen Biopharm Limited) in Europe for treating glabellar lines. Read more

Repeated Botox treatments improve glabellar lines at rest

Patients with mild glabellar lines at rest achieved elimination of the resting lines following repeated Botox treatment, according to recently published study results.

Alastair Carruthers, MD, of the department of dermatology and skin science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and colleagues extracted data from a 1-year repeat treatment measurement including two 4-month randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind clinical studies followed by an 8-month open-label study. Read more

Kybella may be an effective alternative to surgical treatment for submental fat

Kybella demonstrated efficacy in treating submental fat, and may be an alternative to surgical treatment, according to recently published study results.

Shannon Humphrey, MD, of the University of British Columbia and Carruthers & Humphrey, Vancouver, British Columbia, and colleagues conducted a phase 3, double-blind trial of 516 adults (86.2% women; mean age, 47.9 years; mean BMI, 29.3 kg/m2) with moderate-to-severe submental fat. Patients were randomly assigned to Kybella (deoxycholic acid, Allergan), also known as ATX-101, or placebo. Read more

FACE-Q finds increased patient satisfaction regardless of neurotoxin used for glabellar rhytids

The FACE-Q, a patient-reported outcome instrument, demonstrated that patients were satisfied with overall facial and age appearance after neuromodulation of glabellar rhytids, regardless of which neurotoxin was injected, according to published study results.

“Our work clearly demonstrates what we as plastic surgeons have known all along, namely, that minimally invasive aesthetic interventions such as neuromodulation, can provide significant physical and psychological benefits to our patients,” Ivona Percec, MD, PhD, of the division of plastic surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine in Philadelphia, told Read more