March 17, 2015
1 min read

Developments in melanoma, FDA advisory panel action top dermatology articles of week

Recent developments in melanoma research was the most-read article during the past week on

An FDA advisory panel action on Kythera’s ATX-101, an injectable 1% deoxycholic acid injection for treating submental fat, also was among the top read stories.

Eight recent developments in melanoma

Recent study findings involving melanoma included patients with familial or sporadic melanoma having an elevated risk for future melanoma and the use of gene expression profiling to identify metastasis risk.

Pedram Gerami, MD

Pedram Gerami

“The outcomes for patients with cutaneous melanoma are highly variable and there are limitations to the conventional staging system for melanoma,” researcher, Pedram Gerami, MD, told more.

FDA advisory panel recommends approval of deoxycholic acid injection for submental fat reduction

An FDA advisory committee unanimously voted to support the approval of deoxycholic acid injection to improve the appearance of moderate-to-severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat.

The Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee voted 17-0 in favor of new drug application 206333 submitted by Kythera Biopharmaceuticals for injectable 1% deoxycholic acid, also referred to as ATX-101, for subcutaneous use. Read more.

AAD task force reviews strengths, weaknesses of ABCDEs of melanoma

Hensid Tsao

Hensin Tsao

The American Academy of Dermatology Ad Hoc Task Force for the ABCDEs of Melanoma, chaired by Hensin Tsao, MD, PhD, reviewed the mnemonic for early detection of melanoma and determined it has strengths and weaknesses.

The ABCDE mnemonic includes A = asymmetry, B = border, C = color, D = diameter and E = evolving.  Read more.

Patients with in situ melanoma at higher risk for subsequent melanoma after 2 years

Patients whose first cancer was melanoma in situ had a greater risk of developing subsequent melanoma after 2 years following the first diagnosis compared with patients whose first cancer was invasive melanoma, according to recently published study results. Read more.

FDA advisory committee agrees on need for pediatric studies on atopic dermatitis

An FDA advisory committee agreed there is an unmet medical need for systemic products, drugs and biologics, along with additional clinical studies, for the treatment of children with atopic dermatitis who do not respond adequately to topical therapy.

The Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee addressed a series of questions related to possible future trials and at what ages of children should be included in the studies. Read more.