ImmunID to conduct predictive study of ipilimumab in patients with metastatic melanoma
ImmunID announced recently that French regulatory bodies have authorized a study to measure the predictive value of immune profiles in response to Yervoy as treatment for patients with metastatic melanoma, according to a press release.
The PREDICT-ID study will use ImmunID’s ImmunTraCkeR to evaluate immune competence profiles as a predictive biomarker of response to Yervoy (ipilimumab) in metastatic melanoma, according to the release.
The trial is expected to begin in January and will enroll 200 patients treated with ipilimumab according to clinical practices. Before the start of ipilimumab dosing and during the course of treatment, ImmunTraCkeR testing will be performed up through the clinical response assessment.
The ImmuTraCkeR evaluates patient immune competence based on combinatorial T cell diversity, according to the release.