July 26, 2015
1 min read

Disco Can Save Lives

You probably know comic actor Ken Jeong as a crazy professor on the formerly NBC, now Yahoo, comedy Community, or as gangster Leslie Chow in the Hangover movies, but did you know that the talented comedian is also an MD? Yep, 45-year-old Dr. Jeong received his MD degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1995. He finished his internal medicine residency in New Orleans even though he was starting to find success as a stand-up comic. He eventually moved to California (where he is still licensed to practice medicine) to pursue his show business dreams.

Now the talented Dr. Jeong is combining his loves of medicine and show business. He’s made a public service ad that teaches hands-free CPR for the American Heart Association.

Even if you’re an old hand at CPR, the video is worth a look for the simple reason that it’s LOL funny. In the ad, a group of friends is playing charades when one of them suddenly collapses. But the mood instantly lightens when two nubile young women in tight T-shirts race in to perform hands-only CPR to the tune of the BeeGees’ “Staying Alive,” followed by Ken Jeong himself in a 70’s era white disco suit. The nearly two-minute spot ends with the entire group--including the EMTs who arrive on the scene and the victim himself--joining in a raucous disco dance party. Check it out for yourself on YouTube.