Right Bundle Branch Block

The ECG criteria for a right bundle branch block include:

  1. QRS duration of > 120 milliseconds
  2. rsR' "bunny ear" pattern in precordial leads
  3. Slurred S waves in leads I, V5, and V6.

Remember that T wave inversions and ST segment depression is normal in leads V1 - V3 in the presence of a RBBB, this technically myocardial ischemia can not be easily determined in these leads. However, unlike in the presence of a left bundle branch block, myocardial ischemia and infarction can easily be detected on ECG when a RBBB is present (see anterior and inferior wall MI examples).


Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 1)
Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 2)

Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 3)

Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 4)

Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 5)

Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 6)

Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 7)

Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 8)

Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 1)
Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 2)

Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block (Example 3)

Anterior Wall ST elevation MI with RBBB (Example)
Inferior Wall MI with RBBB (Example 5)