The Optimizing Expectation Effects in Cardiac Surgery Patients trial studied whether preoperative optimization of patient expectations improved outcomes after CABG.

Design: Randomized, open-label, parallel assignment

Patients: 124

Center: Single

Country: Germany

Results: At 6 months, patients assigned a pre-surgery intervention to optimize outcome expectations had larger improvements in disability per the modified Pain Disability Index score than those assigned standard medical care (–12.6; 95% CI, –17.6 to –7.5 vs. –1.9; 95% CI, –6.6 to 2.7). Patients assigned a control intervention of emotional support and general advice had similar improvements in disability (–1.9; 95% CI, –11.8 to 1.7) vs. the standard care group. After adjustment, the expectation optimization group was slightly favored vs. the control intervention group (P = .09). There were no adverse effects linked to either intervention.

Original Publications:
Rief W, et al. BMC Medicine. 2017;doi:10.1186.s12916-016-0767-3.