Stephanie M. Harman, MD, FACP

Most recent by Stephanie M. Harman, MD, FACP

May 22, 2012
2 min read

Words matter when clinicians discuss palliative care with patients

 Last month’s Supportive & Palliative Care column by Biren Saraiya, MD, highlighted a recent ASCO position paper that recommended palliative care be considered early in the course of illness for patients with metastatic cancer and/or high symptom burden.

January 10, 2012
2 min read

Innovations in caring for the patient with advanced cancer

When I hear the word “innovation,” too often it is associated only with a technological wonder, such as a new stent or catheter.

October 10, 2011
2 min read

Treating cancer pain: Barriers and fears to overcome

Patients and clinicians alike fear the overuse of opioid medications for cancer pain, but the underuse of opioids is much more common.

June 10, 2011
3 min read

Caring for patients unable to make medical decisions

Have you ever had a patient who did not have capacity to make medical decisions? These are vulnerable patients who have impairments and disabilities caused by medical or psychiatric conditions. In patients with cancer, this can be particularly challenging because they may have impaired capacity caused by their cancer or adverse effects of treatment. Many treatments are longitudinal and require active participation from the patient, which becomes complicated if a patient’s decision-making capacity changes. It can also be challenging to enroll patients in research who cannot participate in the informed-consent process.

February 10, 2011
3 min read

Management strategies for inoperable malignant bowel obstruction

Malignant bowel obstruction is an unfortunate but common complication of cancer. Whereas some patients may initially present with their cancer as a bowel obstruction, most patients with malignant bowel obstruction have had prior therapy and often have advanced disease. The most common solid tumor to present with malignant bowel obstruction at any stage is ovarian carcinoma, at as high as 20% to 50%; colorectal cancer follows, with rates between 10% and 28%.

November 10, 2010
4 min read

Mind the fire: Managing and preventing burnout

When I was a palliative care fellow, my co-fellows and I would periodically check in with each other to see how “crispy” we were feeling, or even more telling, just comment to each other on how crispy we were looking. We were, of course, referring to our levels of burnout.

August 10, 2010
3 min read

Prognostication in advanced cancer: An ancient art in modern medicine

“I know you don’t have a crystal ball, but … how much time do I have?”

May 10, 2010
3 min read

Sleep disturbances in cancer

When even the knowledge of a cancer diagnosis can disrupt sleep, it is no wonder that patients receiving treatment for cancer have a higher incidence of sleep disturbances, from 19% to 63% as compared with the general population of 15% to 20%.

February 10, 2010
3 min read

An update on advance directives

Many misperceptions exist regarding what “advance directives” exactly are, as well as physician order documents for limiting treatment. Although advance directives have not historically had the expected impact of patients’ preferences being honored, they have served as triggers for discussions of patients’ wishes and advance care planning.

August 10, 2009
4 min read

Treating neuropathic pain in cancer

Neuropathic pain occurs in a significant portion of patients with cancer. Although as much as 9% of cancer patients have solely neuropathic pain, many patients have a mixed pain syndrome, which often can be challenging to treat. Neuropathic pain is caused by abnormal or injured peripheral nerves or by abnormal pain circuits in the central nervous system causing a pain response.