Michael Chung, MD

Most recent by Michael Chung, MD

December 14, 2013
7 min read

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in an HIV-positive patient with cranial nerve defects

A 48-year-old black man with a history of chronic hepatitis C and HIV, well controlled on highly active antiretroviral therapy, presented with a 3-month history of throbbing, intermittent right eye pain.

November 01, 2012
7 min read

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in an HIV-positive patient with cranial nerve defects

A 48-year-old black man with a history of chronic hepatitis C and HIV, well controlled on highly active antiretroviral therapy, presented with a 3-month history of throbbing, intermittent right eye pain.

November 01, 2012
7 min read

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in an HIV-positive patient with cranial nerve defects

A 48-year-old black man with a history of chronic hepatitis C and HIV, well controlled on highly active antiretroviral therapy, presented with a 3-month history of throbbing, intermittent right eye pain.