Jubilee Brown, MD

Most recent by Jubilee Brown, MD

March 22, 2017
6 min read

Adjuvant and systemic therapy for rare tumors of the uterus and cervix

Adjuvant and systemic therapy for rare tumors of the uterus and cervix

Gynecologic cancers will account for an estimated 107,470 new cancer diagnoses and 31,600 deaths this year in the United States.

March 08, 2017
5 min read

Adjuvant and systemic therapy ‘rapidly evolving’ for rare ovarian tumors

Adjuvant and systemic therapy ‘rapidly evolving’ for rare ovarian tumors

Editor’s Note: This column is a three-part series intended to offer oncologists practical advice on the treatment of rare gynecologic malignancies. Part 2, published here, addresses adjuvant therapy for rare ovarian tumors. Part 1, published in the Feb. 25 issue, outlined advances in surgical management. Part 3, which will address rare diseases of the uterus and cervix, will be published in a subsequent issue.

February 22, 2017
6 min read

Evolution of surgical management optimizes care for patients with rare gynecologic tumors

Evolution of surgical management optimizes care for patients with rare gynecologic tumors

Editor’s Note: This column is a three-part series intended to offer oncologists practical advice on the treatment of rare gynecologic malignancies. Part 1, published here, outlines advances in surgical management. Part 2 will address adjuvant therapy for rare ovarian tumors and part 3 will address rare diseases of the uterus and cervix. They will be published in subsequent issues.