Johnny Lin, MD

Most recent by Johnny Lin, MD

April 14, 2016
5 min read

A 69-year-old woman with right ankle pain

A 69-year-old woman with a history of hypothyroidism, depression, high blood pressure and sleep apnea presented to our office with right ankle pain. She reported a history of pes planus and ankle osteoarthritis for which she underwent a pantalar arthrodesis via tibiotalocalcaneal intramedullary nail to the right ankle 1.5 years prior to presentation which never resolved her pain or deformity. Her postoperative recovery and physical therapy regimen were unremarkable; however, once completed approximately 7 months after the operation, she noted a lack of improvement from her preoperative state. She subsequently developed increasing pain to the right ankle, limiting her function and ability to perform her activities of daily living. She stated she could no longer live her life with this amount of pain and was looking for the best option to alleviate her discomfort.