Most recent by Jordana F. Goren, MD, MS
Patient with latent prostate cancer reports history of decreased night vision
An 81-year-old man was referred for decreased night vision for 8 months by his primary ophthalmologist. He felt that he had lost about 40% of his night vision over this time. He reported “sparkles” in his peripheral vision along with a “doughnut around his vision” in both eyes. He had some subjective decrease in his peripheral vision and chronic floaters in both eyes without recent changes.
Patient reports loss of vision in left eye over 2 weeks
A 45-year-old man was referred to the retina service for 2 weeks of cloudy vision in the left eye. The patient reported decreased vision in the left eye with “black hairs floating by” as well as “peripheral flickering.” The patient denied any ocular pain or tearing, but he reported some intermittent mild redness. He denied any history of similar episodes or any constitutional symptoms such as night sweats or fevers.
Patient reports history of decreased night vision
An 81-year-old man was referred for decreased night vision for 8 months by his primary ophthalmologist. He felt that he had lost about 40% of his night vision over this time. He reported “sparkles” in his peripheral vision along with a “doughnut around his vision” in both eyes. He had some subjective decrease in his peripheral vision and chronic floaters in both eyes without recent changes.
Woman reports decreased vision, diplopia
A 20-year-old woman presented to the emergency room with a 3-day history of progressively decreasing vision in both eyes. She also described binocular diplopia in almost all directions of gaze. A review of systems was notable for 3 weeks of pressure-like headaches, neck stiffness and general fatigue. The patient denied any pain with eye movement, nausea, vomiting or ringing in her ears. She denied any previous similar episodes.
Woman with corneal crystals undergoes evaluation
Uveitis patient referred after not responding to therapy
A 55-year-old woman initially presented to her primary ophthalmologist with decreased visual acuity in her left eye. The day before presentation she noted floaters that coalesced into “cobwebs,” with abrupt visual loss. The patient was diagnosed with anterior uveitis in the left eye and was started on topical prednisolone and cyclopentolate. She did not improve on topical therapy and was subsequently started on oral prednisone. She was referred to the uveitis specialist at the Lahey Clinic for further evaluation 1 week later.