Most recent by Harry S. Jacob, MD, DHC
ASH 2015: Several pearls fished from sea of abstracts
Study offers ‘intriguing’ insights into post-cardiac surgery thrombocytopenia
ASH 2014: Diving for pearls in a massive sea of presentations
Breakthroughs in T-cell physiology, new oral anticoagulants among highlights of 2012
Check the mouths of patients with low-risk myelodysplasia
Approval of treatments for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, myelofibrosis, prostate cancer among highlights of 2011
Unraveling mucous could be TTP therapeutic breakthrough
History reveals the future in cancer biography
I ran a fellowship program in hematology and oncology for more than 30 years. Our faculty chipped in and bought books each year for graduating fellows. Early on, these included Wintrobe’s famous text; later, the multi-edited texts from the likes of DeVita, Hoffman, Schafer, Williams, etc. For a while, we provided Jandl’s award-winning, single-authored Blood: Textbook of Hematology. Jandl’s marvelous prose equaled that of Lewis Thomas’ (also award-winning) Lives of a Cell. It is hard to say whether these two latter gifts were appreciated as much as the drier compendia of multiple editors. Nonetheless, if I still had influence on our current fellowship program at the University of Minnesota, I would send our matriculating progeny off to battle cancer with a new, spellbinding literary gem written by a recent Massachusetts General Hospital hem/onc fellow.