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Danielle Crumble Smith, RDN

Danielle Crumble Smith, RDN, is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with Top Nutrition Coaching. She has worked in a variety of capacities, including private practice, clinical inpatient and outpatient care, bariatrics, diabetes management, eating disorder recovery, integrative and functional wellness, and sports nutrition. She initially got into nutrition to learn how to fuel her body, but her focus shifted as her health declined. Being diagnosed with celiac disease, Lyme disease, small intestine bacterial overgrowth and hypothyroidism enabled her to learn what a huge role nutrition plays in treatment/recovery. As a mom, she has gained more appreciation for the role that nutrition plays in women’s reproductive health. Having had her own fertility struggles, some of the clients that she has enjoyed working with most are those struggling with infertility and/or trying to conceive. She takes an integrative and functional approach to nutrition and evaluates how the body functions as a whole. She loves equipping her clients with the knowledge of how to fuel their bodies with nutrient-dense (and delicious) foods to support overall health. She is regularly featured as a nutrition expert in a variety of publications including, but not limited to USA Today, Forbes Health, Verywell Health, and INSIDER Magazine. She can be reached at

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